Intentional Living - because going to church is not the same thing as following Jesus!

  • We engage in intentional real relationships that encourage us and hold us accountable.
  • We intentionally live to see our community flourish through gospel transformation.
  • We are intentional to build relationships with those who are far from God to show them the hope that we have found in Jesus.

Generous Giving - because God’s generosity breeds generosity!

  • Generosity is not about the amount we give, but the heart behind our giving.
  • We happily give to the work of the kingdom here and around the world.
  • We joyfully give our time, talents, and treasure so that God is glorified.
  • We sacrificially give for the needs of each other.

Passionate Worship - because the Holy Spirit changes lives not the show!

  • We gather in worship filled with passion as we have received a great salvation.
  • Our worship is not about us, but is for the glory of God.
  • Our right response to God is total allegiance with passion for his grace and goodness

Exposure of Scripture - because Jesus takes us as we are but he doesn’t leave us that way!

  • We are committed to seeing all of God’s word proclaimed not just the parts we like, through expository preaching and systematic study.
  • When we gather we examine God’s word and we willingly and joyfully live out God’s word in our lives.
  • God has revealed to us deep truth that we do not want to shy away from, but want to know God fully as he has revealed himself through his word.